

C&D回收 有很多好处, including minimizing landfill waste and supporting a circular economy, 但它也有许多挑战. 下面是C语言面临挑战的两个例子&D回收 as well as some strategies to help overcome them.

挑战1:市场认知——初始聚合vs. 再生骨料

A perception exists in the construction industry that virgin aggregate provides greater performance over 再生骨料.

Virgin aggregate refers to minerals that have been extracted from above or below the earth’s surface. 沙子、砾石和石头就是明显的例子. Most virgin aggregate used in the construction industry is supplied by a local mine; 然而, 在某些情况下, 骨料从遥远的地方运来. 原生骨料是一种有限的资源.

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Recycled aggregate is made by reprocessing construction and demolition (C&D)碎片, 就地或在回收设施(一般, 承包商将支付倾卸费&D回收设施内的废物). 混凝土, brick, asphalt and non-hazardous soils are examples of C&D debris that can be crushed, screened, scrubbed and washed to create valuable 再生骨料. 再生骨料是一种可持续资源.

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While the argument for virgin aggregate performance superiority over 再生骨料 may hold true in certain load-bearing applications, 比如钢筋混凝土, 对于许多其他应用程序来说,这当然不是真的, 尤其是非承重的. 市场观念, 受个人认知偏见的影响, has caused society to believe that 再生骨料s are not of the same quality as virgin aggregates.

在很多情况下, there are significant cost savings when purchasing 再生骨料, 特别是在运输方面. 许多回收设施位于市区, providing convenience to contractors who wish to dispose of C&将垃圾堆放在工作地点附近,降低运输成本.

Recycled aggregate can have higher volumetric yield per ton compared with virgin aggregate. The specific gravity of coarse reclaimed concrete material (RCM) aggregate ranges from 2.0 to 2.5, which is slightly lower than that of virgin aggregates, which is typically 2.65 - 2.7.

将此置于与购买客户相关的上下文中,1.5”减去回收, crushed concrete can be 15% lighter than the virgin equivalent, 每吨增加15%的容量.

Changing the market’s perception on 再生骨料 is not going to happen overnight, but C&D回收 producers can begin to overcome these challenges by adopting one or more of the following strategies.


To begin to change the market’s perception of 再生骨料, suppliers should promote the thoughtful choice of aggregate for their customers’ projects. Be aware of the many applications where 再生骨料 is an adequate substitute for virgin aggregate. 其中一些包括:

  • 填满沙子
  • 管床上用品
  • 沟渠回填
  • 景观
  • 互锁混凝土砌块
  • 道路底基层
  • 渠道衬砌
  • 垃圾填埋场覆盖
  • 筛选土壤

If you are considering becoming a 再生骨料 supplier:

  • Locate your recycling facility in an urban location that is close to a large customer base. This minimizes transportation costs to and from your customers.
  • 研究 local landfill tipping fees and set your recycling facility tipping fee accordingly, 鼓励稳定的流动&D debris (feed material) for your processing plant and to divert material from the landfill.
  • 在你的市场上调查当地的原始总价, 并相应地设定你的回收总价格, particularly for aggregate suitable for non-load bearing applications.
  • Follow RFQs (requests for proposals) with requirements on 再生骨料 for concrete and road construction. The benefits of using 再生骨料s has already been ascertained.

Providing tools and knowledge of best applications of 再生骨料 materials will help to change the market’s perception of 再生骨料 inequality.

Challenge 2: Knowing your material and processing capabilities

回收最大的挑战是C&D debris is the variability and inconsistency of the feed material. Inconsistent feed material can result in lower-grade products.

有了正确的策略, 然而, combining the right equipment for the job and the right equipment supplier, process variabilities and inconsistencies can be met with flexibility.

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首先,理解C&D debris recycling plants are not designed to process hazardous material. C&含有有害污染物的碎片应被拒绝. C&D debris recycling plants are designed for processing inert waste, defined as:

  • Waste that does not undergo any significant physical, chemical or biological transformations
  • 不能溶解的废物, burn or otherwise physically or chemically react in a way likely to give rise to environmental pollution or harm to human health
  • Waste that does not endanger the quality of any surface water or groundwater by its total leachability, 其渗滤液的污染物含量及其生态毒性

正如C&D debris is received, operators need to understand its makeup and level of suitability to process. 当这样做时,考虑C的类型&你被允许处理的碎片. This can be made easier by investing in on-site feed material testing, including:

  • 石棉定量测试
  • 重金属和碳氢化合物测试
  • Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC) testing for analyzing the leaching ability of contaminants

Understand how your recycling system will respond when processing various types of C&D debris and build in the required processing capability and flexibility to make system adjustments based on material.

正如C&D debris can be snagged with irregular-shaped steel rebar, it’s advantageous to:

  • 尽量减少物料流动方向的变化
  • 精心设计转运点
  • 包括多个阶段的金属去除
  • 在选择输送机皮带清洗机时要慎重
  • 在设备周围设计足够的房间,以便清洁

Regular sampling of finished products is beneficial for maximizing yield and quality control. 这可以通过自动化来实现 取样系统.


  • 用你的目标创造一个解决方案
  • Uses a conservative approach toward defining performance ratings
  • Provides ability to monitor, adjust, troubleshoot and maintain operations safely
  • Provides ongoing support through the lifetime of your operation

大量的基础设施投资, increased mandates surrounding carbon emissions and an upward trend in sustainability efforts, 对再生骨料的需求不断增长. 尽管有一些观念和挑战需要克服, 再生骨料为供应商提供了巨大的回报, 客户与环境.

标签: 破碎, 脱水, 罚款复苏, 洗 & 分类


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